COVID-19 update: Thursday 19 August 2021

The NSW Government has today announced an extension to the existing stay-at-home orders for regional NSW for a further seven days.
The plan developed by AFL North Coast in conjunction with clubs has made provision for a one week extension of the lockdown so this is now the part of the plan that we will focus on.
In the meantime, there are two important things players can do:
- Remember that the lack of social connection created by lockdown can pose a challenge to some people’s wellbeing, so start a conversation with team mates and make sure they’re OK. For information on how to have this conversation, click here.
- Be physically ready to get back into playing as soon as the lockdown lifts – advice from experts in AFL strength and conditioning recommend running three times per week (allowed under the lockdown) including directional changes and speed variations, and kicking a footy several times per week.
Let’s keep working together so that we have the best chance to finish our season.