Training for all key footy people

The North Coast Education Roadshow will provide valuable learning opportunities for club administrators, coaches, umpires, and Auskick Co-ordinators ahead of the 2019 season.
The Roadshow will be held at Nambucca RSL on Saturday 16 February from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
The program for administrators will include sessions on the use of social media and club marketing, as well as important updates on areas such as the Active Kids voucher and concussion management.
The coaches workshop will focus on coaching philosophy and will include both practical and theory components. There will also be an explanation of new obligations that coaches must adhere to in the 2019 season.
People wanting to take up umpiring will have the chance to learn the rules of the game through a theory session, whilst the practical session will teach areas such as positioning and teamwork.
Auskick Co-ordinators will learn about the new direction the program will take in 2019, ensuring that their Centre will be at the forefront of the new national roll-out.
There’s no doubt that clubs that are better run, teams and individuals that are better coached, and matches that are better umpired lead to significantly enhanced retention of players.
These sessions are not to be missed! RSVP to your club to confirm your place in one of the above sessions.