Time to pick up a whistle

The start dates of the 2023 AFL North Coast seasons are fast approaching and the call is going out to all of those people who think they know the rules better than the umpires to pick up a whistle.
A Junior Gala Day is being held at Sawtell on Sunday, April 23 and all new and prospective umpires are encouraged to use that day as a Come & Try experience.
Veteran AFL umpire ‘Razor’ Ray Chamberlain stars in a video outlining 10 great reason why people should take up umpiring. PLEASE CLICK HERE to watch the video.
If you would like to express an interest in umpiring in the AFL North Coast, be it either senior football on a Saturday, junior footy on a Sunday or both, please complete this online Expression of Interest form.
The form should take less than three minutes to complete.
Emily Brown, the Umpiring Coordinator for ACT & Regional NSW, will contact each person who’s filled out an Expression of Interest.
In the meantime, make sure you watch the video with ‘Razor’ Ray.