Thanks to the firefighters

As a sport that relies on people giving their time freely to run clubs, coach teams, operate canteens, and undertake a long list of other tasks, we have a great appreciation for the efforts of volunteers. That’s why, in this time of catastrophic bushfires, we’re so appreciative of the efforts of the volunteer firefighters who are risking their lives to protect the community.
In the past couple of weeks there have been fires that have posed hazards to lives and property in many towns along the north coast. Firefighters have pushed themselves to their absolute limits, with some now having been on the fire lines for several weeks.
On behalf of all associated with AFL North Coast we say a huge thanks to the firies for their unwavering commitment to protect others. What those guys do is amazing and we are all in their debt.
To those members of the North Coast footy family, stay safe and take heed of the authorities.
We hope that conditions improve soon and that all fires are able to be brought under control with no further loss of life or property.