North Coast Force is looking for junior rep players

NOMINATIONS are now open for all players wanting to be involved in the North Coast Force representative program which also doubles as the first step in the Sydney Swans Academy talent pathway.
Age groups in 2024 for both boys and girls will be Under 13 (born 2011 and 2012), Under 15 (born 2009 and 2010), and Under 17 (born 2007 and 2008).
Brad Greenshields, Community Football and Competition Manager, said the Force program continues to grow not only in reputation but also on-field performance.
“Last year’s teams recorded their best overall performances yet and over summer the AFL North Coast had the largest contingent ever of players selected for the Sydney Swans Academy program,” Greenshields said.
“The Force continues to be included as a key element of Sydney Swans Academy’s local pathway and it’s also the stepping stone to the highly successful Northern Heat program.”
Trials will be held on Sunday 7 April and Sunday 14 April from 10:00am to noon (each day) at Richardson Park, with players needing to only attend one session. The trials are open to any player within the age groups that will play with an AFL North Coast club in 2024.
The selected Force teams will compete at the Northern NSW Championships in Coffs Harbour from Wednesday 17 July to Friday 19 July.
Players that are selected into the program will need to pay a $110 levy which includes warm-up top, playing shorts, socks, and all costs associated with the training program.
Players wanting to nominate for selection need to complete the online form by CLICKING HERE.
Trial 1 – Sunday 7 April
Trial 2 – Sunday 14 April
Training Session No.1 – Wednesday 15 May
Training Session No.2 – Wednesday 29 May
Training Session No.3 – Wednesday 19 June
Training Session No.4 – Wednesday 3 July
Northern NSW Championships – Wednesday 17 July to Friday 19 July