No night off as Saints focus on mental health

How do footy players, coaches, and committee members make the most of having a mid-season night off from training? If you’re the Sawtell Toormina Saints you take part in a Mental Health education session to be able to better help your mates.
All four of the Senior club’s teams were represented at last night Outside the Locker Room session that covered key topics such as signs and symptoms of someone going through a mental health challenge, ways to start a conversation, and ways to support someone going through that challenge.
The Saints are the third North Coast club to undertake the session this year. With 3,318 Australians dying by suicide in 2019 alone, it’s great to see footy clubs taking a lead role in the community in addressing this huge issue.
Paul Taylor, Community Football Manager, was impressed with just how engaged the Saints were. “To have all the teams represented on a night when there was no training was a fantastic response. It really shows just how seriously the club takes this issue and that they want to be well equipped to support anyone going through a tough time and needing help.”