New clubs to enter the North Coast competition

Ahead of the 2023 season, AFL North Coast is expecting unprecedented growth with the exciting return of three junior clubs and the inclusion of a new Under 10 age group.
The three clubs that will be joining the junior competition are Lower Clarence Suns, Macleay Valley Eagles, and North Coffs Kangaroos. Lower Clarence and North Coffs last appeared in the competition in 2014, while the Macleay Valley Eagles haven’t been seen since 2019 and all three are excited to make a return.
Matt Crawley, AFL NSW/ACT Development Lead, said that there are a number of critical factors that are leading to this rapid growth.
“The increased visibility of the AFL and AFLW competitions are capturing people’s imagination and our in schools’ programs are converting that interest into participation. The introduction of the new Under 10 age group means that young players can transition into structured football at a younger age,” Crawley said.
The growth in the junior competition comes on the back of the recent announcement that the Byron Magpies are joining the AFL North Coast senior competition.
Female football continues to be the fastest growing segment within the code and it’s anticipated that there will be more teams in both Youth Girls 14 and Youth Girls 17 competitions than ever before.
“We had a phenomenal response to the first of our development clinics for girls and this just reinforces the growing demand amongst girls wanting to play AFL.”
To find out more head to the clubs Facebook page at:
Lower Clarence Suns: @LowerClarenceSunsAFL
Macleay Valley Eagles: @MacleayValleyEaglesAFLClub
North Coffs Kangaroos: @NorthCoffsKangaroosJuniors