Last girls development clinic is on the horizon

The Force Girls Development Clinics have been one of the real success stories of the summer, with girls flocking to the sessions in big numbers to build their skills ahead of the 2023 season.
The third and final session will be held on Sunday 16 April from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Richardson Park, Sawtell.
The clinic is designed to support girls aged 12 to 17 in their growth as footy players from both a skills and game sense perspective. At the sessions, players will be split into groups based on their age, experience, and skill level, meaning that the workouts will be targeted at new players wanting to learn about the game, and those that want to fine tune their skills ahead of the season.
This free session is completely optional. Players who have been selected in the 2023 North Coast Force program are very welcome to take part but it is not compulsory that they join in.
With the Junior Competition getting underway on Sunday 30 April, this is the last chance to come together with girls of other clubs to build connections and skill sets alike.
To nominate for the Force Girls Development Clinic session on Saturday 16 April, please complete the online form here.