Key info for Finals matches at Stadium: 14 & 15 August

All of the key information that players, spectators, and families need for Saturday’s (14.8.21) re-scheduled Senior Competition Semis and Sunday’s (15.8.21) Junior Grand Finals are below.
Ticketing – both events are ticketed, with tickets available:
Players and coaches receive free entry, clubs have links and will provide these to their personnel.
Parking – the main car park is out of action due to its use as a drive through COVID testing site. Parking will be in the southern car park (access off Phil Hawthorne Drive) or along the eastern side of the Stadium (along Phil Hawthorne Drive). Other parking options include at Leisure Park (off Stadium Drive), at Coffs Harbour Kart Club (Phil Hawthorne Drive), or at Coffs Harbour Leagues Club (Stadium Drive).
Venue entry – the main gates are out of action so entry will be through the southern gate, off the southern car park.
Conditions of entry – click here to see Council’s conditions of entry to the Stadium.
COVID protocols – click here to see Council’s COVID protocols that must be adhered to. Note: no mask, no entry!
Junior Grand Final live streaming – links for live streaming are below:
- Under 11-
- Under 13 –
- Youth Girls –
- Under 15 –