Donate your old footy gear to Vanuatu

IT’S time to look at the back of your cupboards and see if there’s any footy gear you can spare for a third world country still recovering from an earthquake.
Last month Vanuatu was hit by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila. Less than 24 hours later, a second 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit, triggering landslides and causing widespread destruction across the island.

Local umpiring veteran and AFL North Coast life member Rod Macpherson will be going to Vanuatu on February 23 and in the time the the’s there, ‘Rocket’ will do some volunteer umpire development and coaching with the local AFL league.

Rod Macpherson will be helping grow AFL in Vanuatu in February and March.
Footy is in its infancy in Vanuatu and the resources for both players and officials on the Pacific island are scarce.
“That includes boots, runners, jumpers or anything that might be valuable in a third world environment,” MacPherson said.
“I have a bag of old umpiring gear which I am taking with me but the AFL Vanuatu president, David Beauchamp, has asked if I could put out a call to all AFL North Coast clubs to see if they have any gear they might not want anymore.
“Many players don’t have boots or runners so anything would help.”
MacPherson has agreed to be the contact point and package up what is donated and he will take it with him in four weeks time.