COVID-19 update: Thursday 26 August 2021

The NSW Government has announced that the regional NSW lockdown will remain in force until 11:59pm on Friday 10 September.
This means that the plans that have been put in place by AFL North Coast and the clubs covering the next two weekends are no longer relevant and that the Senior Finals and Junior Grand Finals remain on hold.
AFL North Coast will continue to consult with the clubs in relation to playing on the weekend of 11 and 12 September once the lockdown lifts. Further information will be provided early next week.
AFL North Coast is also discussing the Junior rep carnival scheduled for 27 and 28 September with the other regions and will provide further information on that as soon as possible.
Please stay in regular contact with team mates, whether your season is over or not, to make sure that they’re OK. For information on how to have a conversation about someone’s welfare, click here.
Look after yourself, your family, and your mates.