COVID 19 update: Thursday 22 July 2021

There are no changes to the NSW government restrictions that impact community sport, so all scheduled matches will proceed as planned this weekend.
There was a reported case of a COVID case in Coffs Harbour, and the facts in relation to this are as follows:
- The infected person was a tradesman from Sydney who was deemed to be infectious for two days whilst here and has since returned to Sydney.
- The NSW Health website lists one exposure site in Coffs Harbour. The infected person paid one very brief visit to this location.
- People who were at that location at a similar time have been contacted by NSW Health and told to get tested and isolate.
- NSW Health advice on 22 July states that there has been no community transmission in Coffs Harbour.
- There are no government restrictions on travel into, out of, or through Coffs Harbour.
This is a great reminder for all of us of the need to continue to follow the restrictions that are in place for local footy. These are:
- People must sign into venues, including AFL ovals, via a QR code.
- Masks are compulsory at organised outdoor events, which includes community football. Click here for a list of FAQs regarding mask wearing at community football.
- The one person per four square metre rule will continue for all outdoor settings, including community sport.
- If alcohol is served at the footy, people drinking alcohol must be seated.
Please make sure that you keep doing the right things at the footy to protect yourself, your family, and your community, and so that we can finish off what has already been a great season of local footy.
Thanks for your ongoing support.