Fitzroy Oval facilities surging ahead

Originally published in the The Advocate – Coffs Coast.
Construction of new Fitzroy Oval facilities surging ahead
IN June when the changerooms at Fitzroy Oval are due to open, players who take the field may be wanting the final siren to sound early so they can enjoy the comforts of the new facility.
This morning the Coffs Harbour City Council Mayor Cr Denise Knight proudly showed Sydney Swans players Gary Rohan and Dan Robinson and the AFL (NSW/ACT) State Manager for Diversity, Partnerships and Major Projects, Joseph La Posta, the progress that has been made on the construction site.
When completed the new facility will feature changing rooms, a canteen, provision for umpires, medics, as well as storage for sports equipment and a separate toilet block will be available for public use.
Cr Knight said the new facilities will be a most welcome sight when completed.
“Fitzroy Oval looked tired for a very, very long ime and it’s about time that we were able to do something about it,” she said.
Mr La Posta said the AFL cut of the funding required for the project comes from a nationally distributed Facility Development Reserve designed to invest in infrastructure projects such as the one at Fitzroy Oval which will help the Coffs Breakers who call the ground their home.
“Quality of environments for our kids to be to play in are one of our most important perogatives at the AFL and we’re really pleased to be able to invest funding in partnership with the council to make these assets be successful,” Mr La Posta said.
“You think about this facility a few years ago, it was an OK oval with no lights and some pretty downtrodden amenities.
“To be here today and see the construction that’s going on, to see the new lighting, off the back of today we’re even happy to donate a new set of goalposts as well to help the footy club in going forward.”
The Mayor said the $1.42million project will not only be a boost for local AFL and cricket but added the design and consultation process has also ensured it will be sensitive to strong links the local indigenous community has to the site.
“There’s been constant consultation and the building will include an indigenous artwork like a mural to signify the importance and heritage of the site,” Cr Knight said.
Written by Brad Greenshields.