Junior clubs

The following clubs field teams in the AFL North Coast Junior Competition.

Bellingen Bulldogs   Camden Haven Bombers   Coffs Harbour Breakers
Bellingen Bulldogs Camden Haven Boimbers Coffs Harbour Breakers

Contact: David Witte
Ph: 0413 787 949
FB: Bellingen Bulldogs

Ground: Burdett Park, Waterfall Way, Fernmount

Contact: Brad Greenshields
Ph: 0407 228 124
E: brad.greenhshields@afl.com.au
FB: Camden Haven Bombers AFL – Juniors

Ground: Laurieton Oval, Castle Street, Laurieton

Contact: Jay Guthrie
Ph: 0458 969 261
E: coffsharbourbreakers@yahoo.com
FB: Coffs Breakers Juniors

Ground: Fitzroy Oval, Coff Street, Coffs Harbour

Grafton Tigers   Lower Clarence Suns   Macleay Valley Eagles
Grafton Tigers

Macleay Valley Eagles

Contact: Kait Holloway
Ph: 0427 562 274
E: graftontigersafl@outlook.com
FB: Grafton Tigers AFL

Ground: Ellem Oval, Prince Street, Grafton

Contact: Richard Sansom
Ph: 0418 96370 775
E: rsansom2016@gmail.com
FB: Lower Clarence Suns AFL

Ground: Yamba Sporting Complex, Angourie Road,  Yamba

Contact: David Chamberlain
Ph: 0417 963 740
E: david.chamberlain6@bigpond.com
FB: Macleay Valley Eagles AFL Club

Ground: South Kempsey Oval, Middleton Street, South Kempsey

Manning Valley Mustangs   Nambucca Valley Lions   North Coffs Kangaroos
Manning Valley Mustangs

Contact: Chip Stokes
Ph: 0449 581 092
E: mustangsafc@mail.com
FB: Manning Valley Australian Football Club

Ground: Johnny Martin Oval (Taree Park), Macquarie Street, Taree

Contact: Andy Johnston
Ph: 0428 862 072
E: nambuccavalleyafl@gmail.com
FB: Nambucca Valley Lions AFL

Ground: EJ Biffin Fields, Fred Brain Avenue, Nambucca Heads

Contact: Tim Heather
Ph: 0434 530 194
E: northcoffsAFC@outlook.com
FB: North Coffs Kangaroos AFC

Ground: Bruce Barnier Oval, Phil Hawthorne Drive, Coffs Harbour

Northern Beaches Blues   Port Macquarie Magpies   Sawtell Toormina Saints
Port Macquarie Juniors

Contact: Frank Bondolfi
Ph: 0419 394 002
E: northernbeachesblues@gmail.com
FB: Northern Beaches Blues – Junior AFL

Ground: Wiigulga Sports Complex, Solitary Islands Way, Woolgoolga

Contact: Vicki Bates
Ph: 0422 877 611
E: pmjafl@gmail.com
FB: Port Macquarie Junior AFL

Ground: Wayne Richards Park, Koala Street, Port Macquarie

Contact: Brett Martin
Ph: 0467 641 274
E: sawtelljuniorsaints@gmail.com
FB: Sawtell Toormina Junior AFL

Ground: Richardson Park, Hulberts Road, Sawtell

South West Rocks Dockers   AFL North Coast Umpires

Contact: Mark Plummer
Ph: 0411 613 764
E: swrdockerssecretatry@gmail.com
FB: South West Rocks Dockers AFL Club

Ground: SWR Sporting Fields, Sportsman’s Way, South West Rocks


Contact: Tom Smith
Ph: 0412 764 920
E: gruffyday@gmail.com

